

クレバー Clover Biz

日会社の先輩に聞いた。「マージャンてよくわかんないけど、勝つための運と実力ってどんな割合?」 先輩が間髪入れず「実力は2割」と、短く答えてくれた。 残った8割の運は、その2割の実力で引き込むんだそうだ。 たった2割だが、練習なのか、勉強なのか、戦術を考え、頭を使えば、莫大な「運」を引き込める、というのは堅い話、ビジネスも一緒だな・・・。
Yesterday, I asked one of the managers. "I don't really know about Marjang, but tell me, is winning all about luck, or skill?" He than replied instantly, "you only need 20% skill". He suggests that the 80% luck has to be grabbed using that 20% skill. That theory well fits with business strategy. Learn and study to enhance your "20% skill" so to win your business maximizing that 80% luck!

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