

Reservoir 桂谷

Parked the car

琶湖は山に囲われており、何億年と言う単位でその山々の間を右往左往したから、今琵琶湖の周りは北部を除いてほぼ全域に平地があるそうな。外周にある山の方へ行ってみると、農業を潤す貯水池がチラホラ。その一つに遊びに行くと、予想通りの訪問者ゼロ、と言いたいところだが、釣り人が1人いらっしゃってた。なんとも癒しな風景♡ 結構居心地の良い避暑/コロナ地だ。

Biwa Lake is surrounded by mountains, and in between those mountains the lake had changed its location little by little. When you reach out to the mountains, there are reservoirs here and there and visited one of them. As I imagined, there was absolutely no one except one gentlemen was fishing. How is a relaxing summer and COVID getaway place it is.

Climbed up the hill

Took a look at the view


Sour cream on 芋


Grilled potato, onion and sausage, topped with sour cream. I added toast and scrambled egg makes a perfect breakfast.

Yummy in your tummy


Barbecue to Celebrate Family Soul

Setting up bonfire
With much appreciation celebrating ancestors on Bonn Holiday.

Litghtning up bonfire

bonfire lit


shrimp and squid

Yakiniku BEEF

Purifying body and soul


朝食に Onion Consommé Soup Powder with Sour Cream

う作る? 幼少期からお客様があるときオードブルとして出てきた母の味♡
Sole food my mom always prepared almost every time my parents invited guests at home. 
  1. Great breakfast ♡
    Toste a breakfast roll and scoop out inside.
  2. ほうれん草(葉3枚程度 or お好み)を軟らかめに塩ゆでして、
    Well boil about 3 (or more as you wish) leaves of spinach,
  3. サワークリーム200gとオニオンコンソメスープの素(粉)を2袋混ぜる。
    Mix 2 bags of onion consommé soup powerder in 200g (≒ 7 ounce) of sour cream.
  4. 2.と3.を混ぜる。
    mix 2. and 3.
  5. 好きなスティック野菜(今回はブロッコリー、セロリ、赤パプリカ、ニンジン、キュウリ)をディップする準備だ!
    Prepare your favorite veggies (this time, broccoli, celery, red paprika, carrot, and cucumber) ready to dip!