

鵜!? a cormorant!?

曽川では鵜が水中に潜って魚を捕る習性を使った釣りがあるが、見たことがない。それが、先ほど皇居の水辺で微睡んいるではないか!? 当然鵜飼は見たこともないので知らない鳥だが、どうしても「鵜?」と思いパチリ&ググッ。どうも「鵜」みたいだけど、はて~。
Kiso River that runs through Gifu-Ken is well known for "Ukai" or "cormorant fishing". I never saw one before but somehow I had an instinct, "should this be a cormorant?" So I shot photo and Googled CORMORANT. And yes, this bird seems to be a "cormorant" that dives into water to catch fish. Long time ago, cleaver people realized its behavior and introduced into their fishing technique.

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