と~もークン! あぁ~そぉ~ぼぉっ!
僕が子供のころ、夕方前、団地のここそこで、子供たちが友達の家の前やベランダの方から叫んで遊びに誘った。 いわゆる、アポなし訪問だけど、呼べば大概居るものだった。 缶蹴り、プラ野球(プラスティックバットで野球)、泥警、探検が主な遊び。 中でも、泥警はものすごく緊張する楽しい遊びだった。 足の速さ以外に、相手の居そうな場所や、タイミングを計算するのに知恵が要った。 団地の廊下や階段は、使いようで、危険でもあり、巧い抜け道にもなった。
この日は休日だったが、子供の声は無く、ひっそりとしていた。 あったのは、僕の記憶を呼び起こす、近所の団地にもあった、造りがそっくりな廊下。
To-Mo-Kun! Are-You-Home!?
When we were kids, we used to yell out friend's names from down stairs to invite out to play with. No appointment was necessary, because we were all expecting some one to invite, and be invited otherwise. Games were, hide and seek to steal the can, robbers cops, plastic bat base ball. What was extremely exciting was the robbers cops. Usually, if there are 10 kids, 2 or 3 will play cops to catch the robbers. If a robber is caught, they will be taken to the jail (some particular place such as a little space by a big tree) until other robbers come out and tuch for help. It needed speed and timing control, and brave heart. The hall way of apartment building was a great run away place, and easily caught place at the same time.
This day, although it was a holiday, there were no signs of kids running and cheering around this very old apartment building. Just a memory of mine was reminded by a similar design construction.